Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate Warm Up

Just to get you all ready for tonight here is a video from Keith Olbermann's show with his best of Sarah Palin moments. Keep in my mind Olbermann is about as far left as you can go in the media. Having said that, I would love to see a video of the things Sarah Palin has done right in the past month.

My prediction is this: Joe Biden says 3 stupid things in the course of 90 minutes while Sarah Palin says only 4.5 things that are true or make sense or at least make her sound like she knows what she is talking about. In the end Joe Biden's slips will do no harm compared to those of Sarah Six-pack. Maybe I will be wrong and maybe Palin will have one of those touching made for Disney 3d under dog tales that capture our hearts.....but I dont think so. I wish she could turn this into a race again. I wish she could make John McCain respectable again, but I wont hold my breath. 

One final note: Do I think tonight's moderator Gwen Iffil has a conflict of interest? I sure do. Should she be removed? Nope. Its way too late in the game for that. I just hope if things go as poorly as predicted for Palin that McCain doesn't step out tomorrow and blame Iffil. You see a presidential nominee should know the battles he is fighting and should know the people he is standing tall with. It is a show of his character which is the second most important part of an election next to issues in my mind. John McCain and crew did a horrible job vetting Sarah Palin and instead of fixing that mistake they are holding on to it for dear life. John McCain and crew approved Iffil even though her book was announced (and in hundreds of magazines and newspapers) back in July. Long before she was approved. Its been on Amazon for pre sale and its been in her publishers '09 guide book for a month. I dont know what McCain's crew is doing with their time, but they are not vetting anyone or anything in a way to help their candidate. What if John McCain becomes president and a world crisis erupts? Should we trust McCain on whose side we take after seeing how well he has done on his research so far? 


Nik said...

Watching that makes me cringe. It's just awkward that she can't answer these questions. I feel bad in a way.

I couldn't even answer them, but then again, I'm not #2 on a ticket for most powerful person in the world...

My question it going to be "Gotcha" journalism if during the debate she says something she shouldn't have said? Is the media going to be "sexist" if they critique any faults she makes tonight?

Rawson said...

Exactly. none of that video was gotcha journalism. It was her talking in her own words. If it goes wrong tonight they need to admit it went wrong, why and do something about it instead of blaming it on the media.