So in the spirit of fact checking and being impartial here are several links fact checking a few of the things that Sarah Palin has said in the mere month she has been on the trail.
From Politifact
From The Washington Post
Now if you dont want to spend all that time reading facts then how about some video of her talking about regular ol' things:
So let me be honest and if you want to call me impartial then do it, but I'll call you a fool. I dont care if Joe Biden claims Darth Vader forced his helicopter down or if he spells potato with an e and a silent x (that would be pxotatoe for the record) I will still have more respect for him then Sarah Palin. George Bush has a 70% disapproval rating right now, but that other 30% will still claim its all because of biased liberal left wingers. However, that 70% includes everyone. Democrat, republican, white, black, male, female, etc. etc. It is time to come to your senses and stop blaming left or right on George Bush and Sarah Palin. They have dug their own holes and neither have proven they should be in the white house. The saying goes "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck". Well in the case of Bush and Palin if they walk like morons and quack like morons then they must be morons. Palin is ruining any chance John McCain has to become president. Everyday he goes out to defend her instead of defending his policies and issues while Barack Obama sits back and does nothing but reap the benefits. Obama is politically windsurfing his way to the white house. Maybe I will be proven wrong during the VP debate, but I have the feeling that Thursday's 90 minutes will be a better bone tickler then whatever 90 minutes SNL throws our way on Saturday.
1 comment:
I also always check the fact check websites too when I hear things. And when I read about someone said something or other I try and find a full video clip of it to make sure the text isn't misleading or out of context.
I do this for all parties. We all know both sides try and bend the truth here and there. I mean come on, this is politics, the dirtiest game of all.
But the interviews don't lie. I think the media will have plenty of sound byte fodder to oggle over tomorrow, but that's why I will watch the full debate myself tonight so I don't hear any biases and see everything they say for myself and in the context of the question they were asked.
It will be interesting to say the least...
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