Friday, October 3, 2008

Great Googely

A continuing series of articles in which i wet myself over everything that is Google.

About one month ago my phone broke. I had it for just over a year (like days over) and I was suddenly left with the problem of having to buy a new phone that I really didn't have the money for all because the damn select button on my cell phone stopped working. That button, I would come to realize, controls everything. I could no longer text, check my call log, access my phone book or even make a phone call. Since it was just a year over my contract their was nothing to be done except buy a new phone. What phone will I get? What could I afford? What the hell I am I gonna do?! All those thoughts screamed through my head and then finally the clouds cleared and I saw this:

That's right once again Google has come out to save my ass. Last year I switched over to T-Mobile from Sprint and now I am glad I did. The problem with paying for it was eliminated. T-mobile allowed me to pre-purchase it for $0. They just add the cost of the phone to my bill and that wont even be added until the phone is actually shipped. That would be around November before I need to cough up the $300 dollars for it. That's easy. 

Why does this phone excite me so much? Well its not quite as pretty as an iphone, but in my mind the rest of its features out does the iphone. How? Its the iphone without rules. The G1 is using the new android operating system developed by the open handset alliance. This alliance of technology and mobile companies (including Google) was set to make software that can work without boundaries. You wont need one phone company (like AT&T) to use certain features. They will be available to any phone running the android operating system. Big whoop I am sure your saying, but you have to use your imagination. For instance what if someone built a program that you could download that would allow you to use the phone's camera to read a bar code and automatically find better prices online or for stores your already near? That's impressive technology and its real:

That's amazing and its just the start. The future will be amazing and Google is their on the forefront helping to free technology for everyone and for making technology better and better. I will see you in one month with another report on this phone when its in my hand and my pants have dried.

P.S. Happy Birthday Mom.

My Quick Reaction

Quick cause I am exhausted and I want to sleep, but the brilliance of Joe Torre is keeping me awake.

Damn. Nobody fucked up. I guess SNL will be funnier then tonight. Sarah Palin did a hell of a lot better then I thought she would so I guess John McCain wont kick her off the ticket. Thats a shame because I still think she is a moron and is hurting John. Her answers tonight were not dumb, but they were very vague and repetitive. Everything seemed to have the same answer and all the questions to her kind of blended in.

On the flip side of that Joe Biden also did better then I expected. In fact I would go so far to say that his performance was better than McCain and Obama's from their first debate. His answers were precise and actually had meat to them. Their were actual answers to issues and his answers on foreign policy seemed like he had a hell of a lot more experience then anyone else on these tickets. 

A very good job by Palin to stick in this thing. Nobody thought she would really beat Biden in this debate, but she held in there well enough. Biden however thoroughly impressed me.  

And yes I said the brilliance of Joe Torre. I hate the yankees, but the one thing I could always say was that Joe Torre was a great manager. He is proving that this year with the Dodgers as his formerly dysfunctional team is now shocking the team people were picking to win it all. Go Joe. I am routing for Terry v. Torre 2: This Time For the Whole Sha-Bang.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate Warm Up

Just to get you all ready for tonight here is a video from Keith Olbermann's show with his best of Sarah Palin moments. Keep in my mind Olbermann is about as far left as you can go in the media. Having said that, I would love to see a video of the things Sarah Palin has done right in the past month.

My prediction is this: Joe Biden says 3 stupid things in the course of 90 minutes while Sarah Palin says only 4.5 things that are true or make sense or at least make her sound like she knows what she is talking about. In the end Joe Biden's slips will do no harm compared to those of Sarah Six-pack. Maybe I will be wrong and maybe Palin will have one of those touching made for Disney 3d under dog tales that capture our hearts.....but I dont think so. I wish she could turn this into a race again. I wish she could make John McCain respectable again, but I wont hold my breath. 

One final note: Do I think tonight's moderator Gwen Iffil has a conflict of interest? I sure do. Should she be removed? Nope. Its way too late in the game for that. I just hope if things go as poorly as predicted for Palin that McCain doesn't step out tomorrow and blame Iffil. You see a presidential nominee should know the battles he is fighting and should know the people he is standing tall with. It is a show of his character which is the second most important part of an election next to issues in my mind. John McCain and crew did a horrible job vetting Sarah Palin and instead of fixing that mistake they are holding on to it for dear life. John McCain and crew approved Iffil even though her book was announced (and in hundreds of magazines and newspapers) back in July. Long before she was approved. Its been on Amazon for pre sale and its been in her publishers '09 guide book for a month. I dont know what McCain's crew is doing with their time, but they are not vetting anyone or anything in a way to help their candidate. What if John McCain becomes president and a world crisis erupts? Should we trust McCain on whose side we take after seeing how well he has done on his research so far? 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Because Turn Around Is Fair Play

So I received this article in a chain email today. It goes on about how Joe Biden claims to know where Al-Qaeda is because his helicopter was forced down in Afghanistan. Now he never says his helicopter was forced down by terrorists or gun fire or Osama Bin Laden's pet dragon (in fact it was forced down by snow), but Biden was dumb enough to put in words that were mis-construed. This is why fact checking is important and I appreciate the people out there working so hard to keep this campaign impartial.

So in the spirit of fact checking and being impartial here are several links fact checking a few of the things that Sarah Palin has said in the mere month she has been on the trail.

Now if you dont want to spend all that time reading facts then how about some video of her talking about regular ol' things:

With Couric here and here 

So let me be honest and if you want to call me impartial then do it, but I'll call you a fool. I dont care if Joe Biden claims Darth Vader forced his helicopter down or if he spells potato with an e and a silent x (that would be pxotatoe for the record) I will still have more respect for him then Sarah Palin. George Bush has a 70% disapproval rating right now, but that other 30% will still claim its all because of biased liberal left wingers. However, that 70% includes everyone. Democrat, republican, white, black, male, female, etc. etc. It is time to come to your senses and stop blaming left or right on George Bush and Sarah Palin. They have dug their own holes and neither have proven they should be in the white house. The saying goes "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck". Well in the case of Bush and Palin if they walk like morons and quack like morons then they must be morons. Palin is ruining any chance John McCain has to become president. Everyday he goes out to defend her instead of defending his policies and issues while Barack Obama sits back and does nothing but reap the benefits. Obama is politically windsurfing his way to the white house. Maybe I will be proven wrong during the VP debate, but I have the feeling that Thursday's 90 minutes will be a better bone tickler then whatever 90 minutes SNL throws our way on Saturday.